

my name is

Gaspar García de Paredes

about me

Gaspar García de Paredes; a self-taught photographer, graphic designer, and web developer from the Republic of Panama. I am currently a senior at the University of Notre Dame and will graduate with a degree in IT Management in May 2011.

artist statement

As a photographer I am often atracted by beautiful images that are easily reproducible and work as a series to strengthen the impact of each other. At this point in my life, I seek to explore how the repition of an image can give them a meaning and conceptual understanding that goes beyond individual images.

contact me

This website is currently in development. In the meantime, you are welcome to jump over to my flickr page and have a look at my recent work.

You can get in touch with me by sending my a private message on flickr, or if you do not have a flickr account, you may email me at: gaspargdep [at] gmail [dot] com.